понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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So i am gonna spend my day cleaning because i haveput it off for as long as i can and keep my limited sanity.

but, just got back from ICC last night (international camarilla conclave) and was so tired. It was a very long and very, very stressful weekend. After the first night (where i got so plastered i had to have neal drag me back to the room) the stress set in as peopleapos;s relationsships disolved and people left ther pople out and w/e. I ended up crying and was so angry i actually punched the elevator button to go outside the hotel. I really wanted to hit a few people, but what can ya do?

but other than the wanting to kill people, it was a fun con. I got a gangrel shot glass and a slew of old world MET books. They shook things up this year with the plot tho, nstead of ending some lines they started some new ones...also...i pulled one card in vampire all weekend...and it was for a feeding test. Bull. They were tyring to prove a point that we could mediate instead of challenge, but part of the fun is kikcing the other guys ass...right? oh well. My fault for making a combat character.

iapos;ll have neal help me rememebr the finer points later.

also...they should really mae murderous a mood option below...it would help.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So with the election only weeks away, I feel shallow writing about anything but politics.

But I live in a very liberal town, go to a liberal law school, work in a liberal office, and keep more or less liberal friends -- anything political that comes out of my mouth seems to be preaching to the choir.

Except Prop. 5, the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act -- on which I plan to vote NO. But what could be wrong with rehabilitation and increased drug treatment facilities, you ask?

I would tell you why you should vote against it, why the District Attorneyapos;s Association opposes it, but in all likelihood, the proposition is going to pass -- so whatapos;s the point?

Once again, California voters, a third of who didnapos;t graduate high school, are going to rewrite California criminal law in a way they fundamentally misunderstand. I am a law student working for the DAapos;s office, and I have a 47 page memo on how NORA -- and thatapos;s just the bare bones.

The democratic process envisions enlightened participation. And this is why I am against democracy.
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Mr. Kenmore Washing machine - 12

Mr. Kenmore passed at 10:25pm thi evening.� He is survived by his brother, Mr. Kenmore Dryer.� And his sister, Ms. Black Decker Iron.� He will be greatly missed.

ARGH� Itapos;s sux, for a family that normally doesn 1-2 loads of laundry per day, to have to do without is really going to suck.� And yes, I know some of you out there donapos;t have washers and dryers at home, but when you are useed to having that convenience and it is suddenly gone ... Wow, major suckage.

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Iapos;m in good spirits this morning so far, but I just started looking at my planner and to-do list and itapos;s turning into this monster that might swallow those good spirits and spit them back out into a big ball of panic.

But now, the usual update:

Thursday I drove down to Columbus for my interviews with the Attorney Generalapos;s office. I met with four different people for four different interviews. This was rather exhausting. They were interviewing eight people on that day alone. I have no idea how many they are interviewing in total or for how many positions (Iapos;m under the impression they donapos;t know how many positions either-- which is why they canapos;t give us much feedback until after the election). The point is, they were probably as tired of interviewing by the end as I was (if not more). My best interview was my first one, my worst was the last one. I think it was because of fading endurance on both our parts.

I skipped the class I was planning to attend on Thursday morning to get down to Columbus a little early. It ended up working out perfectly because my mom was at the spa, and she made some impromptu appointments. I went straight to the spa when I got to town for a pre-interview manicure, and I had my hair restyled (Dusty blew it out on Wednesday, I just had them touch it up a little). After the interview, my mom took me by the house so I could see the construction progress. Not much has changed since I was there last-- just a few more new walls. She took me by her apartment, too. I think itapos;s great she has a little haven to escape to when the workers and the noise and the dust is just too much. She took me shopping, and then my parents took me to a fabulous cozy restaurant for a celebration dinner.

I ended up sleeping at my momapos;s apartment because her "roommate" (a good friend of hers who is making a transition from moving from Wisconsin back to Ohio) was away on a trip. My parents stayed at the house. In the morning, we all met for early breakfast at Bob Evansapos;... Pops went off to work, Mom flew to Florida, and I drove back to Akron.

Friday: nap, class, movies on the couch, early to bed.

Yesterday was great. I woke up feeling like I got enough sleep for the first time in a loooong time. Had a good, leisurely breakfast with Mike, and then we went to school and got to work. I ran a few errands with Marissa to get ready for our Cedar Point trip. She managed to lock my keys in my car... We had to call the police to come break into the car. It freaks me out how easy it is to break into a car. It is also amazing to me that Marissa managed to lock my keys inside, since you have to use the key on the outside of the car to lock it unless you manually hit the little bump-up post by the window. So that was... Irritating.

Adriane, Seema, and Jenny met us at my place and we got on the road. It was a little later than I would have liked, but the drive went quickly and we got to Cedar Point on time. It was way crowded. We only managed to ride two roller coasters and go in one haunted house in the seven hours we were there. Still, Iapos;m glad we went. It was fun to have a girlsapos; night: good conversation, good company. It also felt good to be outside for so long... I really need to get outside more. I think the fact that I went earlier this summer made me not worry too much about our lack of ride riding. Also, my entrance was free (Thanks Jess), so the cost was relatively low and I got to hang out with good friends.

Today: homework, grocery store, and hopefully the gym. This week would have been a great week to get caught up on school and work duties, but instead of being a chance to catch up, the week will be compressed into just three days (just like this past week). Iapos;m going to Chicago on Thursday for the alumni dinner. Mom is going with me, which will be good. I think weapos;ll get a little shopping done on Michigan Ave. Iapos;m excited, but... You know, I just feel like Iapos;m drowning in work and being gone will only make it worse. We get back on Saturday night, and so at least Iapos;ll have Sunday to get things done. Time is moving so fast.

I canapos;t seem to get every category of my life on track at the same time. School, work, fitness/health, social, boyfriend, hobbies... Something is always lacking. That balance is hard to strike when there are only 24 hours in a day and sleep is mandatory for human functioning.

Iapos;m behind in school-- I donapos;t have any of my outlines caught up, and some of them I havenapos;t even started. IP Journal has been a joke so far, which means theyapos;re going to start to squeeze us for productivity based on the editorsapos; lack of planning earlier in the semester. This gigantic bar application packet is due soon also, and Iapos;m completely without some of the required information (past addresses? credit details? gah). AND... Thereapos;s always more I could/should be doing about the olapos; job search.

The more I work, the more I need to relax to stay sane. The more I relax, the more work I need to do, which makes me feel insane. I canapos;t win

The guilt is for blowing off work/school for the most part on Friday, and some for yesterday (even though I feel like I deserved it), and for the impending Chicago trip.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I am applying once again for Capilanoapos;s Global Stewardship program. Last week I went to an information meeting at the college. I think I made an excellent impression� on the professor, which is good as only 30 students get in a year. I am annoyed that I have to go to school to do what I want to do. I am annoyed that school is a form of class division where the rich get poor and the poor get poorer. I hate that I have to go deep into debt while others have it handed to them. I hate that I have to pay out of my ears so that the professor receives a 6 figure income, so some school that I donapos;t care about can have a sports team, so the cafeteria can have a floor to ceiling mural with inspirational phrases and quotes adorning the walls.� I hate that now I need a computer to go to school. Why on earth would I want to waste money on a computer when I would already be paying for so many other things. Computers are just class division generator. When I was in highschool everything had to be handed in neatly typed. By this point my parents had a computer so it wasnapos;t so bad but I lacked a printer so I had to walk to the library and print it out. What if I hadnapos;t had a computer and lived to far away from the library? What kind of parents struggling to pay rent and feed their children would want to spend hundreds of dollars on a computer so their kids can get better grades?
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I just feel like emo-ing where no ones around.

my life seemed to�be a mess. Im seriously tired. Tired of what? my life i guess.

i know i have great friends around me. The greatest friends like chelsea. He seriously go to the extend of doing thigs for me and helping me whenever i needed help. I think she sometimes do too much till i feel so guilty. Although im not the type who would take this kind of advantages.

i wish i can confide with people im seriously close with, the thing is thereapos;s too much. I dont know where to start. I miss chatting with my 2 girls.

i always keep thinking if i picked up the wrong passion. The passion for music really cost a bomb. I need to throw in loads of time for practicing. I hardly have time to catch up with my friends. Im freaking worn out by committee stuff. Can i have a break?
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Just came back. Photos uploaded on Fuzzyshot account Linkapos;s on the previous post.

Cousins from Malaysia are staying by tomorrow night and jogging with Sha in the afternoon because I need to lose the weight I gained today from chocolate cake/stingray/kangkong/burger.


Sundayapos;s gonna be sweet. I havenapos;t seen Ryan in a really long time and we are going to get stoned fo sho with Alex, Calvin and Sha. Donapos;t worry Photos will be on their way to your screens in no time.

Should I ask JohnL for the Starbucks job? :/

Till next time, see ya :D

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