понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

comic book torrents zcult

So i am gonna spend my day cleaning because i haveput it off for as long as i can and keep my limited sanity.

but, just got back from ICC last night (international camarilla conclave) and was so tired. It was a very long and very, very stressful weekend. After the first night (where i got so plastered i had to have neal drag me back to the room) the stress set in as peopleapos;s relationsships disolved and people left ther pople out and w/e. I ended up crying and was so angry i actually punched the elevator button to go outside the hotel. I really wanted to hit a few people, but what can ya do?

but other than the wanting to kill people, it was a fun con. I got a gangrel shot glass and a slew of old world MET books. They shook things up this year with the plot tho, nstead of ending some lines they started some new ones...also...i pulled one card in vampire all weekend...and it was for a feeding test. Bull. They were tyring to prove a point that we could mediate instead of challenge, but part of the fun is kikcing the other guys ass...right? oh well. My fault for making a combat character.

iapos;ll have neal help me rememebr the finer points later.

also...they should really mae murderous a mood option below...it would help.

antecedentes de la electricidad, comic book torrents zcult, comic book trade, comic book trade paperbacks, comic book trade show.

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